Syuzanna Kaszo PIANIST
"...the new season of Boston Simfonia concerts did unvail an international star of the piano as Ukrainian-born musician Syuzanna Kaszo weaved an intoxicating spell with her interpretation of Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor."
"...From the moment Syuzanna's hands alighted on the keyboard to perform Scarlatti's Sonata in A Major, K.39 her audience was totally captivated. [...] Syuzanna received one standing ovation after another. [...] The applause was hard to stop."
Vicki Garson, Shofar, December 2014
"Award-winning pianist Syuzanna Kaszo recently performed at Menorah [...] The combionation of Syuzanna Kaszo's extraordinary musical talent and plus the movingly delivered performance from Act 11 made for a simply magical evening."
JLife Magazine, November 2014
"And what a piano concert we enjoyed. Syuzanna Kaszo was from the Ukraine and already an accomplished award winner and mesmerised the audience with a virtuoso performance including Prokofiev's Piano Sonata No 8"
"Лауреат міжнародних конкурсів Сюзанна Кассо (фортепіано)
Закарпатка Сюзанна Касо нині займає одне з провідних місць у сучасному фортепіанному мистецтві серед молодого покоління виконавців, причому - не тільки в Україні, а й за ії межами.
"La pianista ucraina Syuzanna Kaszò vince il Premio Pianistico Internazionale "Stefano Marizza"
...l'ha premiata "per la sua maturità interpretativa e la grande padronanza dello strumela"
La Voce, 10.26.2012
"Postgraduate pianist wins International Competition. ... Syuzanna Kaszo has won First Prize in the 15th Stefano Marizza International Piano Competition. [...]"
"A concert can be a celestial show, though rarely as here a case of twin stars shining. [...] ...within the complexity and difficulty of the piano part, Syuzanna Kaszo's quicksilver fingers soon quelled it, no worries. To say she played a blinder is simply to be accurate, sometimes literally so. Her fingers would often move so fast the naked eye faltered"
"Сюзанна КАСО: Любіть прекрасне. Переповнена зала обласної філармонії радо вітала лауреата міжнародних конкурсів піаністку з Києва Сюзанну Касо. [...] С. Касо майстерно відтворила діамантовий блиск і прозорість відомого й улюбленого багатьма слухачами мі-бемоль-мажорного Експромту №2 Ф. Шуберта"
Інна ЧИКИРИС, Галичина 3.21.2009